About the Coalition

VCOG 2006 Anniversary Gala and Annual Conference

The Virginia Coalition for Open Government held its 8th annual conference (in conjunction with its 10th anniversary) November 17, 2006, at the Library of Virginia. This year's conference featured FOI experts from around the country who discussed the highs and lows of access law, the challenges ahead and what problems are unique to a state or universal to all.

Below is a recap of the conference, provided by stalwart VCOG volunteer Becky Dale. Also below are links to some of the materials made available at the conference.

Board minutes 6.8.06

Virginia Coalition for Open Government
Minutes, Summer Board Meeting
Thursday, June 8, 2006
The Homestead
Hot Springs, VA

Present: Paul McMasters, president; Wat Hopkins, vice president; Ed Jones, secretary; Harry Hammitt, treasurer; Dorothy Abernathy; Lee Albright; John Edwards; Mark Grunewald; Connie Houston; Pam Luecke; Lawrence McConnell; Ginger Stanley, Virginia Press Association; Barrett Hardiman, Virginia Association of Broadcasters; Frosty Landon; Megan Rhyne. Present by speakerphone: Kathy Mohn; Rod Smolla; Tonda Rush, counsel.


Virginia Coalition for Open Government

VCOG Board Minutes 3.24.06

March 2006 minutes, VCOG Board of Directors

About the Coalition

We are a nonprofit alliance formed to promote expanded access to government records, meetings and other proceedings at the state and local level. Our efforts are focused solely on local/state information access. While we do some lobbying (within limits imposed by IRS rules), our primary work is educational. The Coalition was formed in 1996, after a year-long organizing effort. Our board of directors represents the state's access activists and friends of open government, including Virginia's librarians, genealogists, broadcasters, newspapers and the public at large.


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