IG reports added; NDAs; disruptions; don't ridicule the BOP; FOIA and the judiciary
Around the country: Arkansas judges; Colorado websites; New York government employees
FOIA Friday; when did they know; photos but no video; no rules against Fat [expletive]
Save the date!
VCOG names Laura Mollo of Richlands as 2023 Open Government Award Winner
2023 Annual Conference, Charlottesville: website
Panelists and topics for 2020.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Oct. 30, 2017 CONTACT Megan Rhyne, Executive Director | 540-353-8264 | mrhyne@opengovva.org
ACCESS '17 Richmond Times-Dispatch Building 300 E. Franklin St., Richmond November 16, 2017 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (exact schedule to be determined)
Click here for conference details, sponsors and registration