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VCOG Board of Directors meeting, July 11, 2023

July 11, 2023
2 p.m. via Zoom

In attendance: Paul Casalaspi (VP), Brian Colligan, Katy Evans, Maria Everett, Craig Fifer, Joe Fuentes (Treasurer), Chris Gatewood, Bob Gibson, Stephen Hayes (Secretary, by phone), Josh Heslinga, Lawrence McConnell (by phone), Bruce Potter, Jeff South (President). Also in attendance, Megan Rhyne (Executive Director) and Sue Asgari (Richardson Legal Fellow)

The meeting convened at 2 p.m. Rhyne introduced Asgari, the 2023 Richardson Legal Fellow from the University of Richmond School of Law., and the directors introduced themselves.

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The Virginia Coalition for Open Government works every day to promote transparency in government through ready access to state and local government records and meetings. Members share a commitment to preserve all existing channels of access to public information and to seek news ways of delivering information to the largest number of people at the lowest possible cost.

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Our nonpartisan, educational alliance was incorporated July 3, 1996. Tax-exempt status was granted by the IRS on Sept. 11, 1996, and renewed Aug. 27, 2001, as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We are governed by an elected board of directors. Download our most recent IRS W9 form. A copy of our most recent financial review and IRS 990 are available upon request.

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VCOG Board of Directors Meeting, July 22, 2022

VCOG Board of Directors meeting
July 22, 2022
Via Zoom

In attendance: Jeff South (President), Paul Casalaspi (Vice President), Joe Fuentes (Treasurer), Stephen Hayes (Secretary), Betsy Edwards, Craig Fifer, Bob Gibson, Joshua Heslinga, Wat Hopkins, Lawrence McConnell, Bruce Potter, Jay Speer, Jonathan Williams, Anita Shelburne. Also in attendance: Megan Rhyne (executive director).

The meeting convened at 11:08. A quorum was present.

Rhyne reported that Anita Shelburne would be stepping off the board at the end of the year. Shelburne thanked the board.

Obituary for Forrest M. "Frosty" Landon

Read the obituary on Oakey's Funeral Home page

photo: Frosty Landon at the 10th anniversary gala in 2006, which established VCOG's endowment, allowing it to hire a full-time executive director after Landon's retirement. Pictured with him are VCOG's current director, Megan Rhyne, who worked for Frosty from 1998 until taking over VCOG in 2008, and Rhyne's husband, Mike Parker.

VCOG Board of Directors Meeting, Jan. 15, 2021

VCOG Board of Directors meeting, January 15, 2021, 3 p.m.

via Zoom

PRESENT: Acting President Paul Casalaspi; Treasurer Jeff South; Secretary Stephen Hayes; Brian Colligan; Lou Emerson; Maria Everett; Joe Fuentes; Bob Gibson; Isaiah Knight; Lawrence McConnell; and Bruce Potter. Also, Executive Director Megan Rhyne.

The meeting began at 3:06 p.m.

Rhyne thanked Casalaspi for stepping in to sever as VCOG president for the past several months after Dick Hammerstrom stepped down. Casalaspi said he was glad to help.


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