IG reports added; NDAs; disruptions; don't ridicule the BOP; FOIA and the judiciary
Around the country: Arkansas judges; Colorado websites; New York government employees
FOIA Friday; when did they know; photos but no video; no rules against Fat [expletive]
Catch up with our work over the past year: our most pressing issues, our conference, our services and how we help form legislation and litigation.
malware, FOIA Council, a Court of Appeals ruling, our next conference, and the usual roundup of notable FOIA stories
Show off your VFOIA pride with a stylish nod to the law's statutory citation! $10 for each 4x6-inch car magnet
Click the image to nominate your open government hero in categories of citizens, media and government.
Help with your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) questions is just a click away
An eclectic mix of songs to keep Virginia sunny