Exempt by Other Statute

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-08-05

Accident reports containing information on juveniles are not to be treated any differently than reports containing information on adults

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-07-05

Nothing in FOIA prohibits the release of the name of a juvenile shot and killed by a police officer, but §16.1-301 appears to serve as a broad prohibition against the release of law-enforcement records relating to juvniles.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-02-05

Nothing in FOIA prohibits the release of the name of a juvenile shot and killed by a police officer, but §16.1-301 appears to serve as a broad prohibition against the release of law-enforcement records relating to juvniles.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-26-04

The Virginia Board of Bar examiners has discretion under §54.1-108 to withhold the passing score an individual made on the bar exam, even when it is the subject individual making the request. The Virginia Board of Bar Examiners can elect to withhold aggregate data on bar exam results under the board's broad grant of authority under §54.1-3922. The FOI Advisory Council does not have authority to determine whether an agency has abused its discretion in withholding information it is legally entitled to withhold.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-16-03

School superintendent cannot redact portions of school safety audits when submitting to department of criminal justice services because another code provision, which is more specific, demands full disclosure of the report; thought the deparment of criminal justice services is the custodian of school safety audits submitted by school division superintendents, it is bound to release information on school vulnerability assessment components or security plans unless the school division has specifically designated those sections confidential under FOIA exemption.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-30-01

A specific provision outside of FOIA prohibits the release of investigatory files by the Board of Social Work, even to the subject of the file.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-10-01

Section 60.2-114(A) prohibits the release of audit information related to employer compliance with employee earnings requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #318

The transcript of a Virginia Employment Commission hearing is a public record, but it exempt from mandatory disclosure by other code provisions.


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