Closed - Nonmembers' Participation

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-19-00

Parental request of school board for religious exemption (as a personal matter unrelated to the transaction of public business) is proper subject for a closed meeting if the topic has been identified with specificity in the motion to go into closed session.

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #331

A public body may admit those persons deemed necessary or whose presence will reasonably aid the public body in its consideration of a topic which is the subject of a properly convened closed meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #385

Because nothing in FOIA demands confidentiality of any record or meeting, school board members-elect may attend executive sessions and review personnel records prior to taking office.

Attorney General's Opinion 1976-77 #308

Three-member committee of nine-member council is subject to FOIA. Public and press may be excluded from a properly called executive session, but there is nothing to prohibit the attendance at the meeting of people who would be helpful or necessary to the meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #453

Council can hold annual meeting at Elk's National Home provided FOIA notice provisions are followed.
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